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Creating New mGear Modules

 ·  ☕ 9 min read  ·  ✍️ Taylor


This will be a guide to creating mGear modules from scratch. It will attempt to chronicle the process is order, but the mGear system is pretty complex so there may be missing steps.

DISCLAIMER: I originally wrote this article at the beginning of 2021. I cannot guarantee it’s still up-to-date. If it’s not, please leave a comment and I will remedy the issue.


My general process so far has been:

  1. Create the module in Maya with raw Control modules. This gives me a general feeling to how the component should be hierarchically laid out.
  2. Create the file. It’s easier for me to think about the graphical layout of a component than the mechanics of how it will work at runtime
  3. Create the file. This is where Shifter after latched on and defines how the module will work after being built.

You’ll notice that until we do the file, Shifter will not correctly use our module. Therefore, I have an iterative approach to making a module. Get the barest minimum Guide and init so I can create the module, and then iterate until it is all correct.

NOTE: You can either use QtCreator or raw PySide2 to create the Component panel widget. I always do the latter and this guide WILL NOT go over how to use the former. I don’t like QtCreator so I never use it.



The file defines how the guide rig will be created, and defines the params that will be visible to the user at creation time.

There are three classes needed in the file:

  1. Guide class, inheriting from
    1. class Guide(guide.ComponentGuide):...
    2. Defines how the actual guide is created, as well as what transformations need to be saved for the rig, and what params are make visible to the rig
  2. settingsTab class, inheriting from QtWidgets.QDialog.
    1. Defines the actual layout of the Component Settings tab in the UI.
  3. componentSettings class, inheriting from MayaQWidgetDockableMixin and
    1. class componentSettings(MayaQWidgetDockableMixin, guide.componentMainSettings):...
    2. Defines how the above settingsTab is used. Hooks up slots and signals to set params.

I will go over each of these classes in turn.

Guide class

Class Attrs

The Guide class has a few necessary class attrs:

compType = 'moduletypename'
compName = 'modulename'
description = 'description of the module that appears in the Guide Manager'
author = 'Your name!'
url = 'Your URL!'
email = 'Your email!'
version = [1, 0, 0]

These values are typically defined in the global scope of the guide file, but they can be inlined here.


First, we need the postInit method. This is called immediately after the Guide class is initialized and is primarily used for adding string names to be saved so that we can later use those transforms in the rig. These will likely be the locators that the user manipulated to match their mesh.

def postInit(self):
    self.save_transform = ['root', 'mid', 'top']

This is where we actually create our locators and curves that the user will manipulate. Class methods to use here include: addRoot(), addLoc(), and addDispCurve().

I think addRoot() has to been called, but I’m not totally sure.

self.root = self.addRoot()
self.grip = self.addLoc('grip', self.root, transform.getOffsetPosition(self.root, [0, 0, 0]))

addLoc will set a name for the new locator (this must be the same name as in the postInit save_transform list)


This is where we add the parameters that the user will manipulate in the Components Settings panel. These params are then used in the construction of the rig, ie. add joints, IK references, etc.

The addParameters method is what we will use here. By taking a name, datatype, and initial value, we can then drive these parameters with the UI, and use these params to build the rig.

self.top_ikref_array = self.addParam('top_ikref_array', 'string', '')
self.top_joint = self.addParam('top_joint', 'bool', False)
self.top_RotOrder = self.addParam("top_rotorder", "long", 0, 0, 5)

This is where we do any aesthetic things we need to to the rig, ie. changing locator colors, changing sizes, etc. There’s no particular methods we need here, this is all just cmds and pm stuff.

settingsTab class

The settingsTab class decribes the physical appearance of the Component Settings tab for this module. We don’t do any slot/signal hookup here, we only do layout.

I’m not going to go over how to do Qt design. However, a few tips:

  1. The settingTab class must inherit from QDialog.
  2. Do not call show() here. That will be called later when the main window invokes the tab.
  3. All you need here in an __init__ method, but I suppose you could do more flashy stuff if you wanted. Go nuts.

componentSettings class

The componentSettings class is what connects the above settings tab to the guide object itself. This class is a whopper, so buckle up.

There are six method used here, though none of them are required. You could do all of this in the __init__ method.


We need to do a few things in the __init__ method:

self.toolName = TYPE
pyqt.deleteInstances(self, MayaQDockWidget)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(parent=parent)
self.settingsTab = settingsTab()

This removes previous instances of this dialog, and then instantiates the settingsTab we made above.


Sets the base params for the settings tab.

self.mayaMainWindow = pyqt.maya_main_window()
self.resize(280, 520)

Note the window size here! 280 x 520 is the size of this dialog.


I have no idea what this method is for. It’s not used in the entire codebase but is stubbed in everywhere.


This is where we set our QWidgets based on the settings saved on the root node of the guide module in the scene.

self.tabs.insertTab(1, self.settingsTab, "Component Settings")
self.populateCheck(self.settingsTab.top_joint_chx, "top_joint")

Lays out the layout for the widget that the tabs are set into, as well as the close button. This is pretty standard.

self.settings_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()

This is where we hook up our QWidgets to the attrs on our root node. I won’t go over this, as it’s all Qt slot/signal stuff. I extensively use partial to hook the signals up to methods.



The __init__ file defines how the runtime rig is constructed and operates. We draw information (transforms, attrs) from the Guide and build a rig from all that data. There are a lot of hidden parameters and methods here, I will try to go over the ones I use.

Component class

This is the only class in this file.
WE DO NOT implement the __init__ for the Component. We let the base class do that.

There are five methods I implement:

  1. addObjects
    1. This is where we create all of our rig objects, ie. transforms, controllers, joints, etc.
  2. addAttributes
    1. This is where we create all the attrs that will be stored on the Host node and can be interacted with by the user
  3. setRelation
    1. This is where we set the relationship between guide, rig, and skeleton. It’s pretty difficult to determine what some of this does so I will do my best.
  4. addConnection
    1. This is where we set up the connection between this component and the outside world. It works weird though.

We add all of our objects the rig will need here. This includes transforms, controllers, joints, stuff like that. This does NOT include solvers or constraints.

A few of the methods I regularly use:

  1. primitive.addTransform()
    1. Adds an empty transform with the specified parent, name, and transformation, queried from the Guide.
  2. self.addCtl()
    1. Creates a controller shape with the specified parent, name, etc. There are a lot of shapes to choose from here so
      just check out the control_01 component to get a sense of all of them.
  3. self.jnt_pos.append
    1. The jnt_pos array is a collection of dictionaries that describe how the joints should be created and how they should be parented. As an example:
      self.jnt_pos.append([self.grip_ctl, 'grip', None, True])
      self.jnt_pos.append([self.arm_top, 'arm_top', 'grip', True])
      self.jnt_pos.append([, 'top', 'arm_top', True])
      self.jnt_pos.append([self.arm_bottom, 'arm_bottom', 'grip', True])
      self.jnt_pos.append([self.bottom, 'bottom', 'arm_bottom', True])
      self.jnt_pos.append([self.bowstring_ctl, 'bowstring', 'grip', True])
      self.jnt_pos.append([self.arrow_ctl, 'arrow', 'parent_relative_jnt', True])
      1. This creates 7 joints and parents them according to their given names, as the given transforms.
      2. parent_relative_jnt means it will parent this joint to the component’s top joint’s parent.

We add our attributes here. As far as I know this DOES NOT actually hook up the attrs, it just creates/initializes them.

grip_ref_names = self.get_valid_alias_list(self.settings["grip_ikref_array"].split(","))
if len(grip_ref_names) > 1:
    self.grip_ikref_att = self.addAnimEnumParam("gripikref", "Grip Ik Ref", 0, grip_ref_names)

NOTE: Enum Attributes CANNOT have underscores in them. So notice the attr above it gripikref and not grip_ik_ref. THIS IS REQUIRED BY THE SYSTEM.


This is the big one! This is where we actually build our Component’s functionality. There’s not much to write here, honestly. It’s all just cmds/OpenMaya. The source code extensively uses PyMel but PyMel is slow and likely to be deprecated eventually so I never use it.


This is where we tell the system how the rig and guide relate for the purposes of hooking everything up. There are a few dictionaries that we need to append:

  1. self.relative[]
  2. self.controlRelatives[]
  3. self.jointRelatives[]
  4. self.aliasRelatives[]

This is where we add if this Component can connect to another component. For instance, is it an arm that can connect to
a shoulder? I haven’t fully explored this yet as I haven’t had a need for it yet but it seems pretty powerful. You give
a bound method as the value to the self.connections dictionary and then when the Component is built with that
connection key selected it will call the function to finish the building process.

A few methods of use here:

  1. self.parent.addChild(self.root)
    1. This parents this component to the parent component.
  2. connectRef()/connectRef2()
    1. This is what will connect up space constraints on your objects. A few notes here:
      1. Use connectRef() ONLY when there is only a single space constraint for the entire component. This requires
        that you have set the self.ikref_att member variable to the self.addAnimEnumParam() up in your addAttributes
      2. Use connectRef2() when you want to have an arbitrary amount of objects have space switching on this component. It essentially functions the same but instead takes in the attribute as an argument and hooks it up to the condition nodes that are created when the Rig is created.
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